Recursos per introduir la perspectiva de gènere en la recerca
Igualtat de gènere en el contingut de la recerca
L'Oficina de Projectes Internacionals del Servei de Suport a la Recerca i la Innovació de la UPC dona suport en l'aplicació d'aquesta llista en les sol·licituds de projectes europeus de recerca.
- Si necessites assessorament, posa't en contacte amb
Guies externes
- Manual el género en la investigación
(Comissió europea / Ministerio ciencia e Innovación). - Checklist for gender in research
Gender Toolkit-Yellow Window (EC, 2009). - Specific Checklist for Engineering, Health and Medicine, Tissues & Cells, Urban Planning & Design
Gendered Innovations (EC, 2013). - How Inclusive Analysis Contributes to Research and Innovation. H2020 Expert Group. Chairperson: Londa Schiebinger. Rapporteur: Ineke Klinge. July 2020.
- What is the gender dimension in research? Case studies in interdisciplinary research. Authors: Trine Rogg Korsvik & Linda M. Rustad. 2018
- CORDIS Results Pack on gender equality in research.
European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Research Council Executive Agency, European Research Executive Agency, Publications Office. 2022
Proposta d'accions formatives adreçades al Personal Docent Investigador de la UPC en relació a la introducció de la Perspectiva de Gènere en la docència.
Exposició: Integrant la perspectiva de gènere en els continguts de la recerca i la innovació
Sensibilitza sobre la importància d'integrar la perspectiva de gènere en la recerca i la innovació.
Energy for all
How can a just energy transition succeed in which no people are disadvantaged? And what does gender have to do with it?
Humans & computers
What should the interface between humans and computers be like so the highest possible number of people can use the product? And what does that have to do with gender?
Inclusive design – why intersectionality matters
Safety belts that are not safe for pregnant people, algorithms that only recognize light-skinned men. Why technical research and development must include people in their diversity.
Mobility for all
How can we achieve mobility that is affordable, environmentally friendly, safe - and responsive to the needs of all people? What does gender have to do with it?
Robots in our society
What does robotics have to do with gender? And what is the responsibility researchers and research funders have?