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Accions d'Igualtat

AGRIGEP (Assessment and implementation of Agriculture and Life Science Universities’ first Gender Equality plans in Widening Countries)

Project links:,

Objective: Gender inequality is a major barrier in the R&I area that limit the capabilities and capacities of research and education institutions. Although major efforts to reach gender equality (GE) in R&I have been made in many areas of the world, there are still prominent inequalities in the widening countries. Across the EU, the development of Gender Equality Plans (GEP) intends to address the problems at RPOs; however, the variability in capability, capacity, and expertise hinder the efficient implementation of the institutional GEPs. Additionally, there are specific GE issues within certain fields of study at research and education institutions. In this context, GE issues in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields are well known and specific action plans have been developed. Within STEM, agriculture and life-science focused RPOs face very similar problems, but they lack sector-specific measures and mitigation plans. Furthermore, in agriculture, a large GE sector-specific imbalance exists in developing countries where a relevant proportion of RPOs’ international students come from.

The AGRIGEP project, with the joint efforts of six consortium partners, aims to i) perform a responsible assessment of widening RPOs’ current status on GEP implementation, ii) improve capabilities through intensive capacity building, and iii) develop and implement an agriculture and life-science targeted GEP with sectorial specific measures and strategies. These results could lead to long-term institutional reforms. Additionally, this project will work to establish the inclusion of GE issues within the RPOs’ educational system and professional training of students.

The realisation of these objectives and the implementation of inclusive GEPs will enhance the inclusiveness, reputation, attractiveness, and research excellence of widening country RPOs. Moreover, it will promote the transformation of institutions and advance GE within the ERA as well.

Period: 2023-2025

Budget: 998.237 euros

Partners:Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE) (project coordinator) (Hungary), Czech University of Life Sciences (CZU) (Czech Republic), University of Primorska (UP) (Slovenia), Association for Hungarian Women in Science (NaTE) (Hungary), Yellow Window (YW) (Belgium), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC)

UPC participants: Marta Peña(scientific coordinator), Rosó Baltà Salvador, Montserrat Gallart, Amaia Lusa, Elisabet Mas de les Valls

50 Dones UPC
Arran de la celebració del cinquantenari de la UPC, 50 Dones UPC neix per a donar visibilitat a dones acadèmiques o titulades UPC que han tingut impacte en la societat des de la vessant de la recerca, la docència, el compromís social i/o la transferència.


Antologia de pensaments feministes per a arquitectura
Està composta per 36 textos publicats entre 1996 i 2011 que formen part imprescindible del patrimoni del pensament feminista. Aquest treball surgeix de la importancia que suposa la incorporació de la perspectiva de gènere com a categoria analítica i metodològica per a abordar la realitat i de las teories feministes per a reconsiderar críticament el nostre entorn. Autores: 


L'11 de febrer ha estat declarat el Dia Internacional de la Dona i la Nena en la Ciència. La Facultat de Nàutica ha creat un recull de dones referents en Enginyeria Naval, Marina i Nautica, ciències i premiades amb el Nobel de ciències.

Consulta el programa 

Programa adreçat a noies entre 9 i 14 anys per atraure talent femení als estudis de tecnologia i enginyeria.

Aquesta iniciativa se suma a diferents estratègies que promou la Universitat, en el marc del III Pla d'Igualtat de Gènere, encaminades a aprofitar el talent de les dones i corregir els biaixos de gènere.

Consulta el web

Et proposem...

Premis Diverstem 2024
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Si ets dona i curses estudis STEM presenta el teu treball i guanya fins a 1.500 €.

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Dones en tecnologia: Camins cap al lideratge

Impulsa la teva carrera tecnològica amb expertes líders del sector.

